SilTanium Supreme for VCT

Save Money, Save Labor, Save the Environment

ssvct5516You won’t need a big floor-care maintenance budget when you use SilTanium Supreme for VCT. This environmentally friendly, labor-saving system virtually eliminates the need to scrub and recoat, as well as strip-and-refinishing programs. Just dust-mop, wet-mop when necessary and periodically auto-scrub. That’s all.

Scratches are no problem, as minor blemishes can be burnished away. SilTanium Supreme for VCT is so hard that even a black pad cannot hurt it. However, we recommended burnishing with a diamond pad just once or twice a year. If a rejuvenation coat is desired, SilTanium or its distributors can supply an enhancer formula to be applied with a microfiber flat mop. Just a gallon will cover 2,500 to 5,000 square feet.

Dry time is less than 15 minutes and initial burnishing can be commenced within 30 minutes. To really make the floor pop, burnish with a diamond pad three days after application. Of course, if you prefer a matte or satin finish, we can provide that, too. Hand sanitizers and most other solvents simply evaporate or can be wiped away with no effect on the coating.

To summarize: no odor, no scrub and recoat, no strip and refinish. No kidding.