Spelman College Increases Use of SilTanium Supreme-V

Date: 6/2/2017 Spelman College initiated SilTanium Supreme-V testing in January. Now, deeming the testing successful and the costs savings apparent, Spelman is moving forward with full-building application of Supreme-V.    The halls and living quarters...

St. Elizabeth’s Healthcare Expands Use of SilTanium Supreme-V

Date: 5/23/2017 After nearly a year of self-testing SilTanium Supreme-V on LVT and VCT in one of its five hospitals, St. Elizabeth’s Healthcare in northern Kentucky has decided to expand its use of SilTanium Supreme-V. Hospitals are a tough environment and...

Terrazzo DFE Used at Auburn University’s Shelby Center

Date: 5/12/2017 Auburn University’s Shelby Center underwent a major makeover with SilTanium contracted to clean tile-and-grout hallways and coat several high-traffic restrooms with ColorBond Supreme, SilTanium’s grout-coating system that dries fast and is easy to...

Spelman College in Atlanta Tests SilTanium Supreme-V for VCT

Date: 5/5/2017 Atlanta’s Spellman College has tested SilTanium Supreme-V in a high-traffic hall and in front of elevators. The fast dry time impressed the staff auditing the installation. SilTanium installed and burnished four coats of Supreme-V in less time than it...

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Public Schools Tests SilTanium Supreme-V

Date: 4/28/2017 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Public Schools has initiated a pilot program to test SilTanium Supreme-V. The tests, in Piney Grove Elementary School’s main entrance and adjacent hall, will continue during several months of evaluation to prove the product’s high...